Question: How do you get 4 experts to visit 100 apartments in 3 days with 100% access success?
When access to 100% of apartments is needed, Strata Answers has proven systems that deliver high success levels without excessive involvement by Committees & Managers. Strata Answers has worked in partnership with Sydney Water to successfully deliver the Waterfix® program to thousands of apartments. The same systems ensure that fire and defects consultants can effectively carry out their inspections.
What our clients say...
Strata Answers have assisted me in numerous litigation matters where I have been required to obtain access to lots for inspections by experts and the like. John and Tonja become the point of contact for residents, relieving the stress of Strata Managers (and myself) in what is often a difficult task. They have coordinated inspections with a number of experts reducing inspections times. John and Tonja excel at communicating with residents and keeping them informed of inspections times and any changes, which results in a high degree success in getting access. Strata Answers offer an efficient, cost effective and hassle free way of obtaining access, and I would recommend them to anyone else seeking to arrange access.
Accessing units and co ordinating inspections is never easy, and a distraction from the consultants role. Having Strata Answers to perform this function is brilliant. Their service was professional and their ability to reschedule in real time while the consultant is on site is invaluable.